Sabtu, 28 November 2009

Unit Production Manager

Unit Production Manager job describtion
UPM one of [the] element from production part has more to non technical (managerial and budgeting). in pelaksanaa everyday upm cooperate with: production (produser, pa, creative, talent), finance (budget control), general affair, hrd, production facilities (wardrobe, scheduling), broadcast sipport and marketing.
work area
task predominantly organize logistics need all production elements and responsible towards expenditure cost and ascertain that any production expenditure appropriate budget that provided.
1. pre production
- in this stage is upm berkoordinasi with another production team to ascertains tool immediacy, facilities and another production element can be used production unit.
- for production outside studio, upm do foreword research and survey with do transportation arrangement coordination, programme supporter artist player accomodations crew and staff production
- regulate tenancy perlatan and production facilities, when wanted with take outside payment request.
- make break down payment request per week to extradited to part finance. the to it so that part finance can demote principal fund that is wanted to one production.
- co-ordinating delivery and set up tools shooting, like camera, lighting, audio, monitor, sets, scenery, props and another.

2. production
- during production goes on, upm gather and make report related to the task.
- check and supervise all facilities and crew during production.

3. post production
- make financial statement every program (in the form of payment request to reimburse and settlement with invoice enclosed) and after get sanctions from executive producer and production manager, report it to finance part.
- responsible towards facilities return and production device that used.

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