Sabtu, 28 November 2009

Fundamental of shot

Fundamentals of the Shot


Understand the difference between scenes and shots.

Visualize a scene in terms of framing, angles, and movement.

Understand illustrating camera and character movement.

What Is a Scene?

A combination of shots that shoes the action that takes place in one location or setting

What Is a Shot?

A continuous view filmed from one perspective

Shot Descriptions

Camera framing

How close or far a subject is from the camera

Camera angles

Angling of the camera from which you view the subject.

Camera movement

The movement of the camera forward, backward, left, right, up, and down

Camera Framing

Extreme long shot

Long shot

Full shot

Medium shot

Close-up shot

Establishes the location or setting

Example: Western landscape

Shows the location, characters, and action

Example: soccer field and its players

Frames the entire height of a person, with the head near the top of the frame and the feet near the bottom

Frames an individual from either the waist up, or from the knees showing the audience just enough to feel as if they are looking at the whole subject

Shows a character from the shoulders to the top of the head

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